
AFCAT 2021: Notifications Released, Online Registration, Exam Date, Eligibility Criteria, and Syllabus

The Indian Air Force has officially released the notifications for the upcoming Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) 2021. Now, the candidates can start the online application process for the entrance examination. The candidates can apply for the examination through the official website of AFCAT from December 1, 2020. Online registration process will last until December 30, 2020.

AFCAT 2021 Examination

The examination is conducted by the Air Force of India. Indian Air Force conducts the exam to enroll the Inidan citizens as Class-A Gazetted Officers in Flying and Ground Duties (also Technical and Non-Technical). The examination is held two times every year — in February and August/September. AFCAT acts as the door to enter in the world of the Indian Air Force. Candidates can choose either Permanent Commission/Short Service Commission for a Fying Branch or Ground Dutiues.

There are basically two stages two qualify and the first one is obviously AFCAT. The online examination is then followed by Air Force Selection Board (AFSB) interview. Candidates are selected based on their performance from these two stages. Moreover, the candidates wishing to join the Ground Duties have to appear in Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT) along with AFCAT.

AFCAT 2021 Exam Date

The AFCAT 2021 will be conducted for two days in February 2021 — 20 February and 21 February.

AFCAT 2021 Exam Details

AFCAT is a prestigious national level examination conducted by Indian Air Force. The online examination has a total marks of 300 and the question paper is objective type. AFCAT Exam’s question paper’s language is completely in English that contains 100 objective questions. The other test — Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT) — will have 50 questions and the total marks is 150.

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The Indian citizens, both male and female can fill the online registration application by paying INRs 250. A student also can contact through 020-25503105 or 020-25503106 for further details regarding the examination.

AFCAT 2021 Exam Eligibility

A certain criteria has tobe fulfilled before appearing in the examination. First and foremost, the candistes should be an Indian national. Age limit is different according to the branches. For Flying branch, the age limit is 20 to 24 years, however, the age limit is extended to 26 years for those having a Commercial Pilot License. Similarly, for Ground Duty, the age limit is between 20 and 26 years.

As per the education qualifications, a candidate must have passed with 60% in Maths and Physics at Class 12 and graduated with 60% or equivalent in any disciple. For other criteria, you can visit the official website of the examination.

AFCAT 2021 Exam Syllabus

The syllabus covered for the online examination are mentioned below:

  • General Awareness
  • Verbal Ability in English
  • Numerical Ability
  • Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test

AFCAT 2021 Online Form Registration Link

The application form for the online examination is available on the official website. A candidate should check the eligibility criteria and possess Aadhar Card before filling the application.


Register for AFACT 2021 HERE!


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