
Cobra Kai Season 3: This Major Character from Karate Kid is Returning in the Final Season

The show which was inspired by one of the most watched movies of the 90s, The Karate Kid, which also had many spin offs and which continues to inspire till date. In the series, the teacher’s role is reprised by the student in the movie 34 years later and we get a new kid who becomes the student. `

The Shift

The show which started on You tube premium was brought to Netflix and the final season will release here too, concluding one of the most loved, story of our generation. Bring it on Netflix not revived the show but also gave it a new fan base and following.

Thankfully the wait is the short one for this as the promotions are already on and the release date is January 8th, 2021 for the third and final season. With season 2 ending on the destruction which was caused by the fights between the two dojos, and the emotional toil it took on both the sensei, it is likely that the story will continue on the path of reconciliation and amends to make the two teachers better humans first.

The end or the beginning

There is a journey on cards to Mr. Miyagi’s home town, to get connected to the learnings and in the process discover one self too. With this portion being shot in Okinawa, will there be a blast from the past and a major character returning in the series? There are a lot of fan theories about this. Even though the season 2 laid a lot of ground for the story to conclude in season 3 we can expect a few twists and surprises.

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Watching this season, one would feel nostalgia because we have all enjoyed this journey of the under dog being the triumphant one in the end. With regards to the season 4, Netflix, neither confirmed nor denied the possibility for the same. It may come with an entirely new cast and story line though.

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