
Google Chrome Bringing Dark Mode Modifications to a Complete Dark Experience.

Google and Microsoft are working to bring some enhancements to Chrome in dark mode. This comes a few months after Google introduced Dark Mode on its Chrome browser for the first time. Improved Dark Mode is expected to be part of Chrome for Windows 10 and macOS in the future. Meanwhile, it is already in testing through the latest Chrome Canary build. Google last week released Chrome 87 as the latest stable version of its web browser. It offered a Chrome Action feature to allow users to type commands in the address bar.

As reported by the Windows-centric blog Windows Latest, there has been a commit by Google engineers on the Chromium Gerrit detailing improvements to Chrome’s dark mode. According to the Commitment, Search Dark, with scrollbars appearing in grey, is updating the WebUI to give a completely dark mode experience.

Google Chrome Bringing Dark Mode Modifications to Transmit a Complete Dark Experience.

Upcoming enhancements will allow Chrome to apply a dark theme to other elements including scrollbars. Currently, when you switch from light mode to a dark one, the scrollbar shows no change.

In addition to scrollbars, Google is updating Chrome’s internal pages to bring expanded support for Dark Mode. These changes will reportedly appear in Settings, Bookmarks, a History page, New Tab page, and PDF printing screen.

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