
Red Planet will be the closest to the Earth’s surface, Mars and Moon shall unite under the skies

The Red Planet and the Moon will supposedly unite at 11:30 pm on Friday October 2nd.

After many years, the Red Planet will be in close proximity to the Earth.

The meet will start at approximately 11.35 pm on October 2nd and will end at midnight.

Both will meet in the east at the beginning, and progress towards the west. Also, at about 2 am ET, they will cross their pinnacle in the southern atmosphere.

Who can enjoy this reunion?

As reported by Arthaski, the southern part of the earth will be able to watch the moon’s rendezvous with Mars.

In case you are in South America, you can view the reunion, but only the Moon will be visible to you. That is because, the Moon will be covering Mars.

Our planet Earth is all set to get in between both the heavenly bodies sometime on October 13. The tryst is the reason for this. Every two years, the Earth and the Red Planet come closer to each other.

Did you know? Mars takes 26 months to complete on revolution around the Sun, in contrast to Earth which takes 12 months. However, as time progresses the distance between them also shifts. Now after two years our planet and the Red Planet will be very near to each other. Although it is not as close as it was in 2018, it is still 30 degrees higher.

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After this event, we will not be able to enjoy the brightness of Mars for another 15 years.

October is an excitement for the stargazers

October is surely a treat for all the astronomers and stargazers. Due to the Orionid meteor shower, hundreds of shooting stars streak across the sky. They put on the show every October from October 2nd to November 7th , but it will be at its peak and more enjoyable mostly on October 21st. The beautiful meteor shower is the result of Earth crossing the stream of debris left behind by Comet Haley. For your information, Comet Haley is the original comet of the Orionid Shower.

The shooting stars shall travel across the sky at 148,000 miles perhour leaving behind a streak of gas in the sky, which shall last for a few seconds.

NASA informed that the Orionid Shower is one of the most beautiful and remarkable meteor showers of the year. It shall grace us with its presence both in northern and southern parts after the wee hours.

Plus, this month has another interesting subject. The Blue Moon is said to be visible to all the time zones. Its called Blue Moon not because the Moon will be blue. Its because this will be the second full moon in the same month.

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