
Google has finally realized that we don’t want to watch everything on mobile

Looks like Google has finally understood that people don’t really want to stream everything on their phone. The new Chromecast from Google proves just that.

It might not seem obvious, but Google is a major player in streaming wars. Android TVs are the most popular TVs. And people love to watch movies or series on them. The sweetest part of the streaming war for Google is that it never loses in it. It doesn’t matter whether people watch Netflix, Hulu, Prime, etc. Google will earn money. And to make sure that they keep getting that money Google has launched the new Chromecast.

You don’t need a mobile anymore

The problem with Chromecast till now was that you needed a phone to watch stuff on your TV.  But the new Chromecast with Google TV doesn’t need a phone. It has its own remote. You can watch stuff directly from it. And so, without getting an Android TV, you can have one with just the help of Chromecast.

And it’s not like I am trying to say, that I don’t like to watch stuff on mobile. I do. But at times I also want to watch things on my TV. And when I do, I don’t want to have my mobile around with me.

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