
Alexa has Recently Brought Out a New Project To Protect Privacy

Amazon Seeks to Make Good on its Promise of Privacy

Amazon has recently launched a new project to ensure greater privacy for its users. The new changes made by Amazon are in relation to its device Alexa. The most important change is the deletion of voice recordings. As soon as you are done using your device you can automatically delete your recordings. A written transcript will be available. However, this transcript too will be deleted 30 days later.

This option will be open for all users from Thursday. This will help users know more about how their devices work. This will help the users a lot. The new feature does well on the promise made by Amazon. Amazon had promised customers more privacy. They have decided to help out the customers. They are now making certain important changes. This is being done in order to do well on their promise.

Kartik Mitta, Amazon’s director for Alexa safety said the following.

“It’s not just about control and transparency,” he said. “It is important to help customers understand how this technology works. So education is a key part of the privacy program. We do have to take our customers along with us. So that’s been the spirit of many things that we’ve done.

Making these kinds of changes is essential. As this enables building back trust in voice assistants. Which was lost after a rocky 2019 that included a controversy. It was over human reviewers hearing customers’ recordings. And Amazon is working to bring Alexa into more places. These include the car and the office. To ensure that customers trust Amazon devices will be necessary to help to expand Alexa.

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In 2019 most voice assistants took a major hit to their reputations due to a series of controversies. These crippled their sales to an extent.

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