
Winners Global of Post Pandemic Economy; And A Dark Horse Can You Guess Which Country Is The Dark Horse!?

COVID 19 has still not stopped bubbling over the entire world even in late 2020. Yet there are some people who have been asking which of the countries have withstood this global pandemic. So here we are to answer your question. The first principle to give an answer to this sort of question is that we need to understand the global environment at any given point in the year.

With the Pandemic, global leaders like India and China have started adopting the concept of “Self-reliance” in order to maintain their economy. Concepts like these were earlier only adopted by isolated countries like North Korea. The governments of not only the major countries but the minor counties have also started taking the economical matters in their own hands. Governments are ordering lockdowns as well as and effectively nationalising business payrolls. Especially in ways that would have been unimaginable six months ago.

Key Strengths

  • A Competent Government, which is measured by the indicators that matter the most right now, during this pandemic. Cases and deaths, per million.
  • Domestic Market or an unusual prowess
  • Debts and deficits of the government.
  • Heavy Investment in research and development- Digital Sophistication

Absence of the Two Major Super Powers

China And the United States are nowhere on the list which is given below. Both of them are undermined by heavy debts.

India too doesn’t make the cut. It has disappointed optimists and the pessimists. It has ranked 13th amongst the 25 countries which had the potential to make the cut in the top five. However, for a more positive note, it has ranked top ten in one of the four above criteria. The criteria being that it is relatively less vulnerable to the forces of deglobalisation, thanks to its vast domestic consumer market.

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The Top 5 Potentia Pandemic Surviving Countries

1. Germany:

Germany went into this pandemic with relatively low debts and could afford the biggest domestic stimulus package of any major nation. Though Germany does not lead in any of the categories but is near the top in all four. All of this was only possible due to a quick response so well coordinated between national and local governments.

2. Finland

Finland, which is known for producing a tech giant Nokia, which has now gone dodo is now home to the Microsft ranks second on our list. It has also produced some other tech giants like Rovio, more commonly known as the developer of Angry Birds.  With a competent bureaucracy, little household debt and manageable public debt, Finland has no glaring vulnerability to the challenges of the post-pandemic period.

3. Switzerland

This country is Euproe’s perhaps least centralized government. This country has achieved what no country, apart from China has done so far. They have brought the death rate due to COVID to a near zero. They’ve also created an economic relief agency that surprises small business by delivering support loans in a matter of hours

4. Vietnam

During this pandemic, Vietnam is realising it’s potential as the “Next China,” as a major export power. Vietnam has a stunning pandemic death rate, with only 34 deaths to date, which is much less than any other country. Just as other countries have started turning their back towards trades, Vietnam is welcoming trade relations wit open arms. It has signed 15 trade contracts in the last decade alone.

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6. Taiwan

This country is one of the two countries which has grown at a rapid rate within th epast 5 years or half a decade. Taiwan gets the spotlight by a narrow margin. Like South Korea, it invests heavily in tech and is already one of the world’s most digitised countries. But Taiwan has a slightly lower government deficit and debt and has capped its Covid-19 death rate at 0.3 per million — lowest among major emerging and developed economies. Taiwan gets the spotlight by a narrow margin. Like South Korea, it invests heavily in tech and is already one of the world’s most digitised countries. But Taiwan has a slightly lower government deficit and debt and has capped its Covid-19 death rate at 0.3 per million — lowest among major emerging and developed economies.

The Dark Horse


This was probably the least expected country. It doesn’t score anywhere close to the top on our criteria. It makes the list largely because it has turned itself into a financial fortress mostly impervious to global markets. In 2014, the debilitating impact of international sanction for the invasion of Ukraine, coupled with a drop in oil prices, persuaded Vladimir Putin’s government to focus on paying down foreign debts and saving oil profits to seal itself from foreign pressure.

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