
Scientists discover warped disk ‘torn apart by stars’; Who Was Responsible For The Discovery? What Would A Regular Person See?

Researchers from Georgia state university have discovered something new in regards to our space. They’ve now revealed the first direct evidence that clusters of stars can tear apart from their planet-forming disk. Leaving it distorted with tilted rings.

Our Solar System is remarkably flat, with all the planets orbiting around in the same plane. This is somehow not always the case with planet-forming disks around multiple stars. Similar to the object of study: GW Orionis. 1,200 light-years away is how far away is this system located, and that too in the constellation of Orion. It has three stars, and a broken apart disk surrounding them.

What Would A Person Observing See?

A view from a potential planet is bound to give the viewer an experience of a lifetime. That is the viewer will be able to observe a stellar view of the tilted multiple stellar constellations. Which, even though it is needless to say, will be similar to StarWars Tatooine.

Who Made These Observations?

This observation would not have been possible without observations from European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (VTL), named Interferometer. Also Georgia State Universities, Center for High-Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array and they worked alongside Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA).

The CHARA Array

This research was the first output of a large catalogue. The catalogue was responsible for examining young stellar systems which use pioneer infrared imager. This is known as MIRC-X. This combines light from all the six telescopes of the CHARA telescope collection. Universities of Exeter built the MIRC-X. As well as Michigan as a part of the European Research Council-funded research project.


Designed in a specific way, MICR-X is the instrument. It has the capability to give insights on how planet and star formation is taking place. Within the rotating circumstellar disks of dense dust surround young and developing stars.

What do The Researchers Have To Say About This?

“This is not the first time astronomers have identified a warped disk, but it’s remarkable to have such a detailed understanding of the orbital dynamics and the effect on the disk all tied together with simulations,” said a U-M astronomer, John Monnier, whose team built the MIRC-X instrument used for orbit determinations. “Warped disks might be more common than thought, but they are not super common or a dominant mode of star and planet formation,” he added. These warped discs might also explain some of the planet misalignment or new discoveries of planets that happen from time to time.

U-M astronomer, John Monnier

“We’re really excited that our new MIRC-X imager has provided the sharpest view yet of this intriguing system and revealed the gravitational dance of the three stars in the system. Normally, planets form around a flat disk of swirling dust and gas—yet our images reveal an extreme case where the disk is not flat at all,” said Stefan Kraus, professor of astrophysics at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. He was the one who led the research.

“This result provides an exciting possibility that we could find an undiscovered population of planets that orbit star systems in wide, inclined orbits,” said Gail Schaefer, one of the paper’s co-authors as well as associate director of the CHARA Array.

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