
New Google Assistant feature makes it easier to donate directly to important causes

About Donation and its benefits:

Donating to the causes you care about not only helps the charities themselves but it also deeply rewarding for you too. Millions of people give to charity on a regular basis to support causes they believe in, as well as for the positive effect it has on their own lives. The major benefits of Donating include experiencing more pleasure, helping others in need, Getting a tax deduction, Motivating Friends and family, and improving personal money management.

General Charitable Giving Statistics – Increasing year by year

30% of annual giving occurs in December.10% of annual giving occurs in the last 3 days of the year. 77% believe everyone can make a difference by supporting causes. 4.5% is the average number of charities each person supports. 64% of donations are made by women. 69% of the population gives. More than 49% of nonprofit respondents identified workplace giving as a growth strategy for their organization. 90% indicated that partnering with reputable nonprofit organizations enhances their brand and 89% believe partnering leverages their ability to improve the community.

80% of nonprofits in Snapshot 2014 said they have difficulty building strong corporate partnerships and workplace giving strategies with limited staff and resources. 73% of companies prefer to have deeper partnerships with a smaller number.

9 out of 10 companies offered a matching gift program. An estimated $2-3 billion is donated through matching gift programs annually. Corporate matches of employee donations were 12% of total corporate cash contributions. An estimated $6-$10 billion in matching gift funds goes unclaimed per year. Nearly 60% of companies offer paid time off for employees to volunteer, and an additional 21% plan to offer release time in the next two years. An average of 30% of employees volunteer.

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People who volunteer report that they feel better emotionally, mentally, and physically. 50% of employees volunteering is the minimum to be in the top quartile. In an analysis of over 30,000 individual volunteer activities, skills-based volunteerism outperformed traditional volunteerism by 7-125% in all but one tracked benefit categories.


Google’s feature for donating to important causes:

Donating to important causes is now very easy as Google Assistant has extended its services with new features for streamlining the process. This new donation shortcut can be accessed by users on mobile phones for now either by saying, “Hey Google, donate to racial justice,” to Assistant (either directly on Android or through the app on iOS) or by using a dedicated card in Google Assistant’s daily Snapshot view.

Google will not cut a percentage of the amount from donations which will be made through Assistant, the Verge reported. All the donations will be passed directly along to the Center for Policing Equity, an organization that works to promote police transparency and accountability. In fact, U.S.-based giving could decrease by as much as 3.2% for a variety of reasons—including rising interest rates, a possible stock market correction, and a continuing decline in employment compensation. But just because certain economic factors may have an impact on giving, this doesn’t mean that you should put off your own charitable efforts.

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